Blogging by PDA

Testing a Palm conduit (plog) that lets you write blog entries in an app you load onto your PDA, then sync them to your blog. It uses MT’s XML-RPC interface to create the blog entry. So now you can blog from anywhere! Of course it doesn’t show up until you sync, but for us non-wireless PDA plebe/owners, it’s better than nothing.

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2 Replies to “Blogging by PDA”

  1. I, too, downloaded the Plog application to my PDA, but when I tried it, I realized that the entire entry shows up as the title as well. Did anything like this happen to you? And if so, were you able to do anything about it?

  2. Haven’t had the entry show up in the title, but I know the title gets duplicated in the entry. I think that’s because of limitations in the XML-PRC interface Plog uses to post entries with. You might want to check with the Plog author about that.

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