Clarifications from SixApart

Plenty already logged to the blogoverse about 6A’s clarifications to the MT 3.0D release. There still continues to be some vitriol expressed by people who insist on remaining offended by 6A’s release and license changes though. Even a troll has emerged to muddy things up and do all the nasty things trolls do.

6A’s clarifications on the licensing terms and definitions as well as changes to the number of allowed users/weblogs does make things easier, and I think goes a long way to placating the majority of people. Now what I’d like to see is some statement about where 3.0D fits in with what 6A has in store.

3.0D is clearly a developer’s release intended primarily for plugin developers to create new plugins and rework existing plugins to fit into the new framework.

It will be available to everyone, not just developers; we’re calling it a Developer Release to emphasize the fact that 3.0 itself is not a feature release in the traditional sense. With this release we hope that the developer community will implement some great extensions for 3.0.
Since many of Six Apart’s employees are Apple fanboys/girls, we make the analogy to the first releases of OS X: the first releases did not offer that many new features themselves, only a more stable and robust platform for developers to build upon.

This clearly implies that unless you want to be active in developing and testing plugins, there’s no need to jump in and upgrade. I think a lot of people missed this part and focused primarily on the licensing issues (which I think still could use some reworking).

In any case, I’m starting to feel comfortable enough with using the beta I’ve been testing to move over to the free version of 3.0D (at least start testing it). I think I still have Typekey issues to work out, but no blocking issues. And once my CSS book arrives, I’ll be looking forward to having some fun messing with the look of my weblog.

And with that I think I have blogged enough about 6A and MT 3.0D and the release. Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

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