Do I stink?

Got a package in the mail yesterday. Wasn’t anything terribly unusual, just one of those promo sized things of deodorant.

What was unusual was who it was addressed to. It was addressed to one of my Hooligan aliases, which as far as I know has never been associated with my snail mail address.

When I first saw the package, I thought “Cool, something from my friends!”. But then when I opened it, I was rather disappointed to find that it was just a promotion for a brand of deodorant.

Perhaps my friends are trying to tell me something. I don’t think I smell that bad, do I?

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2 Replies to “Do I stink?”

  1. Hee Heee Heeeeeeeee!
    No you do not stink buddy, I just saw a link on Fark several months ago for free stuff to send
    away for. Unfortunately they will not ship most
    items to Canada so I thought, what the heck, I will surprise our little ninja buddy. You should know that you are also in line to receive a Guiness towel, a guiness bottle opener. A coors light bottle opener, and several feminine hygiene products. Oh the woman stuff if not addressed to you, but to one Mrs Elizabeth Ardmann. I figured you would figure that one out. Oh man, that was sooo long ago that I had completely forgotten about ordering those things. BTW if you get something from the potato of the month club, well that might have been from me as well!
    Don’t say I never got you nuthin!

  2. ahh, I should have known it would have been you 🙂
    No potatoes yet, but I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for those.

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