7 donations, up to 21 people helped.

Yesterday the Red Cross blood donor clinic at work had their 2nd annual Blood Donor Appreciation party.
It was a fun time with music, snacks, cookies and door prizes, but mostly thanks for people who gave up a little bit of their time to donate blood to help others in need. At last year’s party, there were 6 people who managed to rack up 7 donations for the year (still haven’t figured that one out). This year there were a whopping 11, including little old me! That’s up to 231 people those blood donations could have helped. Add that to the couple of hundred other people who donated up to 6 times in the past year and that’s a lot of people helped.
One of the nice things about this year’s event were the speeches from blood recipients sharing their stories about how blood donations helped them survive. It’s really nice to put a face to the people I’m helping with each of my donations and adds just that much more satisfaction to giving blood.

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