Off to Houston tomorrow

Heading off to Houston tomorrow for a site visit to MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Normally site visits aren’t my favourite thing. You fly out either the day before or the same day. You’re trying to evaluate equipment and talk to the people operating the equipment one one side, while the sales rep is talking to you about how great their equipment is on the other side. Lunch, talk with more people, and then fly back later that afternoon.

Tomorrow’s visit will be a little different though, since one of my friends just moved to Houston and doesn’t live too far away. Even though I’ll be getting into Houston in the evening and getting to my hotel late (after dinner with the sales reps), I’m looking forward to getting together and hanging out. Haven’t seen him since my wedding 3 years ago, so it’s going to be a lot of fun getting together and catching up. It’ll be a mini Hooligan reunion!

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One Reply to “Off to Houston tomorrow”

  1. you know what would be fun? pretend to stub your toe on whatever joe has laying around in his house. Then you can say that you think it’s broken, and never let pJoe live it down. (cryptic inside joke, for anyone who doesn’t know pJoe)

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