Worldwide Photowalking

Organizing a photowalk can be a lot of work. Yesterday was the Worldwide Photowalk, with photowalks organized in 900 locations. I helped put together the Charleston, SC photowalk which turned out to be a resounding success. Had about 45 people show up for the photowalk, and I think we even picked up a few people along the way. Had a great time wandering around the peninsula taking pictures and meeting fellow photography enthusiasts.

Group photo of a bunch of photographers

The day started off pretty nice, but started to get pretty warm towards the end of the walk. I finished off the day with close to 150 photos that I eventually culled down to 111 which I posted in my photo gallery.

This one turned out to be one of my favourites. At Elliot St and Bedon’s Alley, there’s a shell of an old building that now serves as a parking lot. I was in there looking around and saw this through one of the windows.

A photograph of a window in a brick wall.  A planter with some vines growing is sitting on the window sill.  Through the window is part of a door and window of a building across the alley.

The top of the Cumberland parkade offered some pretty good views as well.

A photo of St Michael's Church in downtown Charleston taken from the roof of a nearby parkade
A photo of Circular Congregation Church in downtown Charleston taken from the roof of a nearby parkade

Quite happy with the way the photowalk turned out. I’ll have to try to find some time to organize more of them.

Charleston Worldwide Photowalk Flickr group

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