BarcampCHS success!

By pretty much all accounts, BarcampCHS turned out to be a resounding success. From some of the initial estimates, it sounds like there were between 150-200 people that showed up for the inaugural event.

Lowcountry Innovation Center turned out to be a great venue and provided an astounding amount of support to help us pull off BarcampCHS.

Some sessions were standing room only

Standing room only

This is what Barcamp is all about: sharing knowledge with others

Barcampers assemble! After lunch, we shoo-ed everybody outside for a group photo. It was not unlike herding cats.

Assembled barcampers

My Barcamp day ended with all things bacon, put on by Ted from Ted’s Butcherblock.

Thanks to everybody for showing up at BarcampCHS, the sponsors for making everything possible and the organizers for putting everything together. BarcampCHS would not have been the success it was without everybody that organized, sponsored and came to the event.

You can see even more photos in the BarcampCHS Flickr group. If you have some BarcampCHS photos on Flickr, share them to the group!

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