MCNP mesh tallies generate a lot of numbers to deal with. It all gets written to a formatted text file. Depending on the size and resolution of your simulation, you can easily end up with GBs of data in a single text file.
The first simulations I did, I decided to stuff it all into a database and use Excel to pull out the bits I wanted. It’s a little clumsy and somewhat cumbersome but it works.
As I work with MCNP more, I’ll probably come up with better ways and find better tools to help deal with the data. For now, this is the snippet of PHP code I wrote to stick the data into my DB.
// Mesh simulation data format
// ' Energy X Y Z Result Rel Error Volume Rslt * Vol'
// ' 1.000E+36 -98.000 -98.000 -94.000 8.44128E-19 4.58915E-03 6.40000E+01 5.40242E-17';
// Open the file for reading
if ($fh = fopen($mesh_file,"r")) {
// Read file line by line
while ($mesh_line = fgets($fh)) {
// Split the data and insert into the database
if ($c=preg_split("/\s+/",$mesh_line)) {
$x=(float)$c[2]; // x
$y=(float)$c[3]; // y
$z=(float)$c[4]; // z
$result=(float)$c[5]; // result
$rel_err=(float)$c[6]; // rel error
// $vol=(float)$c[7]; // volume
// $result_vol=(float)$c[8]; // result_vol
$res =& $dbh->query("insert into MeshData
(sim_id,x,y,z,result,rel_err) values ($sim_id,$x,$y,$z,$result,$rel_err)");
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
echo ($res->getMessage().' - '.$res->getUserInfo());
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