Memorial Day flags in Ringgold, GA

The city of Ringgold, GA does a very impressive display of flags and crosses to commemorate the fallen veterans from the area. It’s a pretty remarkable and moving display. Each cross has the name of someone and the war(s) they served in. Some also included the branch of the military they were in.

Ringgold, GA Memorial Day flags

Ringgold, GA Memorial Day flags

I don’t know a whole lot about Ringgold’s flag display other than that it sounds like it’s been going on for quite a few years. Each year, the number of flags grows.

There’s one road where the flags are especially impressive. Flags line both sides of Robin St, and as you crest the hill you see even more flags and crosses along the road

Ringgold, GA Memorial Day flags

Ringgold, GA Memorial Day flags

If you’re ever in the Ringgold, GA area around Memorial Day, it’s definitely a sight worth checking out.

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