Missing pages

Back in Nov 2011, I ordered a copy of The Art of R Programming (published by No Starch Press). It sat on my shelf for a while and I’d flip through it now and then looking up a few things about R when I needed something. It’s a pretty well written book with lots of examples, which I like.

Last night I was looking something up in the index, and when I flipped to the page, I couldn’t find it.

Then I noticed it. Somehow, my copy of the book is missing a pretty large chunk of pages (pages 41-88). What amuses me most is that I never noticed until now.

I mentioned it in a tweet because it amused me and mentioned the @nostarch twitter account just because I thought they’d be amused too. A few hours later, I got a response from Tyler Ortman (@oty)

So I fired off an email like he suggested and am waiting to hear back. This is a nice use of Twitter for customer service.

Update: So not only did No Starch send me a PDF copy of the missing pages, but they’re also going to ship a new copy of the book to me! That’s pretty awesome of them. Thanks No Starch!

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