The 5th incarnation of Southeast Linuxfest is just a couple months away. It’s going to be in the same location as last year (Charlotte, NC) June 7-9.
As usual, SELF 2013 is free to attend, but there’s also the $65 supporter registration which gets you a sweet SELF shirt, lunch, a warm fuzzy feeling and the undying gratitude of the organizers.
Past Southeast Linuxfests have been a great time with lots of great talks, and one heck of a party. I don’t expect it to be any different this year.
In addition to the regular SELF talks and activities, there are a number of affiliated events happening alongside SELF:
- BSDA and LPI certification exams will be offered
- B-Sides CLT security conference
- Drupalcamp CLT for all things Drupal
- Zero to DBA
For anybody interested in getting their amateur radio license, a testing session is also being planned.
Make your plans now to come to SELF 2013!

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