Warning: Gross Anatomy class may be hazardous to your family’s health

In addition to learning all the various bits and pieces that make the body work, my wife has been learning all sorts of nifty tricks that you can do with your appendages.
Things like if you hold your index, ring and little fingers flat against something, it’s impossible to move just the very tip of your middle finger. You can move it from the second joint, but not the very tip. Try it.
Or various spots that open up when you move into certain positions so you can hear things better.
And how to dislocate your shoulder, or mine as she was thinking of doing last night. How to put it back in is next week’s lecture. Good thing for me she decided not to try it out on me. I can just see it now, me wandering around with a limp arm waiting until she learns how to pop my arm back into place.
I’m starting to have second thoughts about this medicine thing she’s doing. Maybe they need to put a warning statement on this gross anatomy course.

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