Painting away

Monday and yesterday, while everyone was enjoying cookouts, doing the beach thing, watching fireworks and dodging falling bullets, the wife and I were neck deep in a house project long in the planning. One of those things that looks really easy when all you’re doing is watching other people do it, a little more challenging when you’re doing it.
We were painting the garage. Finally.
Ok, so painting isn’t really all that difficult. Grab a roller and paintbrush and have at it. It’s just a lot of work, and we have a big garage. First we had to move all the crap out of the garage and into the house. Then it was off to Lowe’s for a couple hundred bucks worth of primer, paint and a few more associated supplies. That was Sunday.
We started with naked drywall
Before painting
By the end of Monday, the garage walls were all primered up and ready for painting.
Walls primed and ready to paint
Yesterday we worked on the ceiling and painted it in a nice light blue (kind of hard to tell from the photo)
Ceiling's painted
We would have started working on the walls too, but when we pulled the masking tape off the walls, parts of the primer were coming along with it where the drywall joint compound was . Silly me, I didn’t think to wipe the dust off before hand so the primer just wasn’t sticking at all on those sections. So instead of painting the walls, I ended up spending a couple of hours scraping and re-priming parts of the walls where the primer peeled off.
I think a couple more evenings of painting and we should have yet another house project finished and checked off the list.

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