In local bloggage today

Heather is busy being a new mom (a big congrats to the new parents!) so I thought I’d fill in and do a little round-upping today.

Since I don’t have the complete TBB in my feed reader, I’m going to use the slightly smaller subset over at Lowcountry Blogroll for the round-up. BTW, if you want your blog to be included in the Lowcountry Blogroll, fire off a message to Brian with a link to your blog and/or RSS feed.

Joan will be empty-nesting it soon. Try not to turn into a cat-lady Joan :). She also informs us that Gene Glave‘s one woman show, Mammologues is starting at the Village Playhouse on August 26th.

Pam sends another grant on its way and shares ferns and flowers with us.

Your thoughts on SC’s new license plate? Our resident dental student isn’t a big fan of the new design.

Probably more later when people wake up and start their daily blogging.

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