Social media happy hour

Today I ventured out to the downtown Taco Boy for the the Social Media Club (Charleston) happy hour. It was a nice fun and informal get-together with a surprisingly diverse crowd of people.

It was my first trip to Taco Boy, and it turned out pretty good. The Taco Boy is dog friendly, something I wish I had known earlier. I’m sure the dogs would have loved to go meet everybody.

There was a pretty good turn out of people at today’s event. There were a few familiar faces, but also a lot of new ones. It was nice meeting new people, and also meeting some of the people I’ve met on Twitter.

A group of people holding drinks and socializing in the outdoor area of a restaurant
A group of people sitting at a long table in a restaurant

Jared told me the guy in the hat is the TwitPic guy.

Three people sitting around a square table socializing

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