Mug o Dice

At Dragon*Con, the dice booths are always chronically busy. There you can find all manner of dice for gaming. There’s also the large tanks full of dice where you can buy a cup, container or pitcher of dice, either randomly scooping it out or picking them out yourself (which costs more).

I’ve always been a sucker for dice, so I picked up a random mug scoop-o-dice to play with and also to fill the dice bag I was expecting to receive.

I figured it was time I went through and looked at what I got out of the random mug.

  • 17d20
  • 12d10
  • 4d8
  • 15d6
  • 2d4

A total of 50 dice. Not a single d12 in the entire mug though. A little disappointed. d12s are one of my favourites.

I’m not sure why, but I’ve always enjoyed just picking up a handful of dice and rolling them. Most times I don’t even bother looking at the numbers. Feeling a handful of dice rolling around in your hand, hearing them clatter on the table. Rinse and repeat. It’s got kind of zen quality to it.

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