Here comes BarcampCHS 2

There’s just two days left until Barcamp Charleston 2.

On the surface you’d think it was just a thing for techie geeks. In part, you’d be right. Because of its origin, many Barcamps tend to be inherently geared towards the tech community. However the Barcamp concept has spread to just about every area and item you can think of. Take last week’s Cupcake Camp Charleston for example.

Barcamp Charleston organizers have worked extremely hard over the past 6 weeks to pull together the second (hopefully annual) event. Like last year, it won’t be exclusively techie and will hopefully have a something that will appeal to everybody regardless of what field they choose to express their geekery in. Like all Barcamps though, that will be determined entirely by the people that go. With proposed sessions like Homebrew 101, Podcasting 101, Geocaching in the Lowcountry, Salsa dancing for noobs and Sci-fi costuming there should be something that everybody can get interested in.

Sound interesting? See you on Saturday then, but go get your ticket first!

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