Commenting fixed

Thanks to one of my friends who pointed out some commenting problems for non-TypeKey commenters, I managed to track down an issue with one of the anti-spam plugins I was using. Most likely I didn’t have it configured quite properly. It’s disabled now so now everybody should be able to leave comments once again.

I was wondering why it had gotten so quiet around here…

Coming to a server near you

MT 3.3 will be going into open beta soon (next week) and it looks like there are a lot of changes that should make blogging life easier for non-techies.

I shall be looking forward to seeing a more comprehensive changelog for 3.3 and kicking it’s wheels soon.

Entry archive oddness

Ok, fresh new design (actually one of MT’s standard StyleCatcher templates) and updated templates. Having a weird issue in the individual entry archives. For some reason the MTComment tag will only show one comment even if there are more.

Very puzzling. I’m thinking maybe it has something to do with dynamic publishing. I’ll have to spend some time digging into it later.

Update: Cool, I seem to have fixed the problem by upgrading the Smarty bundled with MT3.2 to the latest version. At least I think that’s what fixed it…

Individual archive entries broken

Ooops, I seem to have managed to totally bork my individual entry archives. Since that’s also where the comment form is, no comments until I get this fixed.

I did have redoing the templates on my list of things to do…maybe this will be as good a time as any to do that.

Update: Ok, I think things are fixed now…

Search log spam?

Sometimes the search terms I find in the activity log for my blog really puzzles me.

Over in the sidebar, there’s a block called Search the blog. It doesn’t say ‘Search the Web’ or ‘Search the Internet’. It says ‘Search the blog’. That’s exactly what it does: search this blog using MT’s search function. That’s all it does too. It doesn’t search anything else. So why has someone been feeding the blog search long strings of spam URLs? Is this perhaps another attempt at spammers to hijack blogs? As if comment spam isn’t bad enough.

I don’t know about anybody else, but I don’t display search terms that people have entered anywhere in the blog or in stats, so the only place they’re visible is through MT’s admin interface. But perhaps there are some people who do show off recent search terms. It seems like spammers might be trying to capitalize on that by inserting spammy search strings which would then end up showing up in bloggers’ visible search term lists.

Wonder if anybody else has seen this happening.