Additions to the photo gallery

Added a new Bugs album to my photo gallery to show off some of my pictures of the more interesting insects I run across. Also added a couple of new flower pictures that I snapped last weekend. Go check them out.

New photo gallery

I decided to put up my own photo gallery using the most excellent Gallery software. Look out for more albums in the coming days…

Too busy

I have this bad habit of taking on too many projects at the same time. The end result is a to-do list that just keeps on growing.

A sampling of my to-do list

VB interface between my equipment test spreadsheets and MySQL database

  • Dosimetry for monoclonal antibody lymphoma therapy
  • Research for a dopamine receptor imaging project
  • Website maintenance
  • Converting wedding video to VCD/DVD
  • Converting graduation video of one of my wife’s friends to VCD/DVD
  • Converting in-law’s vacation video to VCD/DVD
  • Documenting various database projects I’ve started
  • Finish the rest of this year’s x-ray surveys (about 20 more units left to do)
  • Attenuation correction method comparison between two of our gamma cameras (another research project)
  • Optimize the acquisition protocol for thyroid scans on another one of our gamma cameras
  • Optimize the acquisition protocol for brain scans on one of our new gamma cameras

And this is only the small part of my list that I can remember off the top of my head.
ok, back to work…


Found something new (to me) on the web. GeoURL is a place that lets you do location/URL lookups. Adding your blog or site is pretty easy. Just look up your location (latitude/longitude) on a site like the US Census Tiger Map Service, add a couple of meta tags to your index page and submit it to the GeoURL site. They’ll add it to their index in a litte bit, and give you a link showing other URLs in your geographic vicinity. Clicking on the map at GeoURL gives you a big long list of websites in the vicinity of where you clicked.

There’s another site, GeoTags that does something similar also.

Kinda neat I think. Then again, simple things amuse me.


I’ve been around the Net for almost 15 years now, and I’ve seen some really strange things posted online. Then I ran across this site about an exploding whale and just had to check it out. Not the wierdest thing I’ve seen online, but it ranks up there with the good ones.

According to the Urban Legends Reference Pages, the incident actually happened.

Download the video and watch. Particularly amusing is the newscaster’s description of the aftermath. I can’t believe nobody thought about that before they started…