GMail keeps growing and growing

Google Mail is up to 2089 MB plus change of storage, and still growing. Ever since April 1, the storage space counter they’ve had has been going up and up. Slower now than it was before. So how much higher will it go? Is it all real?

Will you be my neighblogger?

Here’s a neat idea that goes along with GeoURL. Blog Map created by Chandu Thota.

You simply add GeoURL or GeoTags meta tags to your weblog index page. Then go to BlogMap and sumbit your weblog URL. Then you’re rewarded with linkage that gives you a map of your blogging neighbours (or neighbloggers). Pretty nifty, I think.

I don’t seem to have many neighbloggers yet.

Found via J Bentley

Pop-unders are back

Those pesky pop-under ads are back. After switching to Firefox, it was so nice never having to see pop-up/under ads anymore. But someone’s figured out a way around Firefox’s pop-up/under ad blocking and now they’re polluting my eyeballs again.


So far only one website I (used to) visit on a regular basis (which I won’t be anymore) has these new pop-up ads. Web advertising has become one of those necessary evils. I can live with ads plastered all over a website (obviously the less obtrusive and annoying, the better), but making ads pop up windows all over my screen like weeds is a guaranteed way of driving my eyeballs away from a site. I’m sure the same goes for many other geeks too.

Pop-up ads…just say no.

GeoURL is back!

GeoURL is back! The 2.0 version is still in beta, but just as easy to use as before. In fact the required tags haven’t changed at all and seems to function in pretty much the same way it did before. It was cool when I discovered it back in July 2003, and still is now that it’s back.

Referer spam

Lately I’ve been getting a lot of referer spam: hits to web pages on the server using spammy HTTP_REFERER URLs. Most of them for some reason are hitting non-existent scripts and pages, but there are a bunch of them hitting things like my photo galleries and such.

It’s gotten to the point where the Referring URL stats collected by Awstats is pretty much useless because all the ‘Links from External Pages’ is nothing but a list of spammy URLs.

Not entirely sure what the point of it all is. But I’m not the only one.

I wonder if there’s a way to tap into the MT Blacklist database to block them. Something I’ll have to think on.