I’m in Physics Today: Web Watch!

A few days ago, I noticed several referrals to this weblog from Physics Today while browsing through the server access logs. Had a quick look, and didn’t see anything pointing to my weblog right away.

Looked again later on after seeing a few more referrals, and then I saw it in the Web Watch (subscriber sign-in required) section of the March issue! There it was, a link to my weblog! Web Watch is a little side column in Physics Today that highlights 2 or 3 interesting physics related websites. Have no idea how my weblog ended up there or even why since I haven’t really put much of any physics content here yet, aside from my Journal club postings. But still, very cool.

For those of you who don’t have access to the latest issue online and just can’t wait for it to show up in your local library, here it is.

Eugene Mah, a medical physicist at the Medical University of South Carolina, keeps a daily weblog called IMABLOG. With a soupon of physics, Mah logs the minutiae of his daily life and reflects on the world in general.

TopicExchange: Conversing via Trackbacks

Discovered this interesting website that takes Trackbacks to another level. TopicExchange.

The concept seems to be kind of similar to Usenet newsgroups, but not nearly as many newsgroups at the moment. To post to a topic channel as they’re called, you make an entry in your trackback-enabled blog, and ping the URL for the group. Or you can create a new topic channel. Each channel also has an RSS feed, making it easy to keep track of with your favourite RSS aggregator.

A very nifty concept. Shall have to keep track of this one.

For bubble wrap addicts

A friend of mine emailed this to me. It’s a little something for all you bubble wrap addicts who just ran out.

Virtual bubblewrap

You’ll never run out of bubble wrap again. I particularly like Manic Mode. I know it’s not quite the real thing, but it’s good for a little mindless entertainment.

RSS compatibility history

I had no idea RSS had such a storied history. Over at DiveIntoMark he writes about the 9 different incompatible RSS versions. There’s a lot more to RSS than I originally thought. Must make it tough on people who write software to read RSS feeds.

My Yahoo! has RSS aggregating!

Learned from Jeremy Zawodny that My Yahoo! now has an RSS aggregator module you can put on your My Yahoo! page. I might actually start using the thing again now. It’s only in beta, but I haven’t seen anything resembling a problem yet in the 5 minutes I’ve been casually using it. And you can even ping it.