RSS Feed validating

Over at Dive into Mark, he talks about RSS Feed validating, and how even with feed validating services, there are still plenty of RSS feeds with badly formed XML. So there’s this nifty feed validator that’s simple to use, and offers suggestions to fix your bad feeds. Very neat. Worth checking out.

2003 True Stella Awards

The winners of the 2003 Stella Awards have just been announced! This is the real thing now, not the fake ones that have been making the rounds.

And the winner is…

The City of Madera, Calif. Madera police officer Marcy Noriega had the suspect from a minor disturbance handcuffed in the back of her patrol car. When the suspect started to kick at the car’s windows, Officer Noriega decided to subdue him with her Taser. Incredibly, instead of pulling her stun gun from her belt, she pulled her service sidearm and shot the man in the chest, killing him instantly. The city, however, says the killing is not the officer’s fault; it argues that “any reasonable police officer” could “mistakenly draw and fire a handgun instead of the Taser device” and has filed suit against Taser, arguing the company should pay for any award from the wrongful death lawsuit the man’s family has filed. What a slur against every professionally trained police officer who knows the difference between a real gun and a stun gun! And what a cowardly attempt to escape responsibility for the actions of its own under-trained officer.

Mars Scorecard

The Mars Scorecard is a pretty funny play-by-play summary of the our record with Martian probes over the past 40 years. So far, the Martians are winning.

More Blogshares

It seems that to increase the price of your blog in Blogshares, you need to comment on blogs. On a lot of blogs. Blogs that are also in Blogshares. Or have people link to your blog. Blogshares only seems to care what’s on the main index page of the blog, and with comments being transitory things, you need to do a lot of commenting. Which usually means a lot of blog reading. Now, I don’t know about other people, but I work during the day, and have other things to do in the evening so my blog reading is usually a spare time thing. And I generally don’t have much to say about to other bloggers in their comments.

And aside from search engines, I think I might have 2 or 3 regular readers (myself included), so I don’t think too many people are linking to my blog. Not that I care that much.

So I guess my blog will be relegated to Blogshares mediocrity, and my blog valuation will remain at $1000, aside from occasional spikes when I find something interesting enough to comment on.

I guess it’s a good thing there’s no real money involved.


Hmm, the guy over at Geek Rants bought up all the remaining shares in my blog.

I wonder if this has any significance, other than boosting my blog share price. I wonder what I should do now…issue more shares? Have I been taken over? Oh what to do, what to do…