Just putting this here so I remember it when I get to work.
Bandwidth Conservation…it’s not just for the bandwidth challenged.
Perspectives of a Canadian in the Old/Deep/New/Geographic South: This is where I ramble on about nothing in particular and post a few nice pictures.
Web stuff
Just putting this here so I remember it when I get to work.
Bandwidth Conservation…it’s not just for the bandwidth challenged.
Hey, somebody over at Geek Rants bought shares in my blog!
So what happens if somebody comes along and snaps up a majority or all the shares in your blog? Do they own your blog? Does that give them decision making power over your blog or what you write in it? Do you have to have shareholder meetings?
More pumpkins to enjoy. These ones are pretty cool and creative.
Found at The Right Half of My Brain.
What is this Blogshares thing? A lot of blogs I’ve run into seem to be listed there. It looks to be some kind of stock market thing for blogs, where you can buy and sell shares in particular blogs.
From their homepage,
BlogShares is a fantasy stock market where weblogs are the companies. Players invest fictional dollars on shares in blogs. Blogs are valued by their incoming links and add value to other blogs by linking to them. Prices can go up or down based on trading and the underlying value of the blog.
So, to find out more about this Blogshares thing, I decided to list my own blog. So far, what I’ve found out is that a blog can appear on Blogshares without being submitted by the owner. If you happen to find your blog on Blogshares, you can claim it by registering and adding their official button to your blog somewhere. The actual image itself doesn’t seem to be that important, since I’ve seen others using alternate graphics on their blogs. I’m still waiting for Blogshares to show me that I’ve claimed my blog. It hasn’t been that long since I put the Blogshares link on my page though, so I’ll check back later on today and see what happens.
There’s even a MovableType Blogshares plugin so you can show off to everyone else how your blog is doing.
We’ll see how things go down the road. I certainly don’t expect much, but it might be interesting to see what happens.
The few people who surf their way here might notice a new block in the side bar, Counting the days. I set it up using the MTCountdown plugin by David Raynes. It’s a pretty cool plugin, and easy to use. Just seemed like it would be a neat thing to set up. It’ll be one of those things that changes every now and then when there’s something significant for me to count down to (or count up from).
This, along with the People Visited From and the weather blocks are done using cool MT plugins.