On a bike friendly Charleston

This is a post I’ve been mulling over for several years, and has taken a couple of weeks for me to jot down my ideas on and get to the point where I find it acceptable to publish.

After several recent high profile car-bicycle accidents, there’s been a lot of discussion about making Charleston more bicycle-friendly. It’s something that has been a long time coming and there is much that Charleston, North Charleston and Mt. Pleasant can do to make the area more convenient to ride around. I’m not entirely sure that it’s possible to make the Charleston area completely bike friendly though.
Some background on my bicycling history.

I grew up in Edmonton, with my primary mode of transportation being my bike for the 26 years I lived there (never owned a car). Edmonton is what I would consider a very bicycle friendly city, with its extensive network of bike routes, paths and trails, relatively low speed limits (usually 50-60 km/h) and layout of the roads (possibly excepting the newer neighbourhoods that have popped up since I left). These factors made getting around Edmonton on bike very easy. During my undergrad, I made the 24km round trip between home and school pretty much every day as long as the weather permitted (meaning as long as there wasn’t snow on the road). Most of the time I could even beat my friends who drove to school. I knew how to get around the city better on my bike than driving around.

I rode a lot in Edmonton.

Based on this, these are some of my opinions on making the area easier for bicycling.


Charleston is flat. Really flat. The biggest hill in the area is the Ravenel bridge. That makes riding pretty easy and largely effortless. Unless you’re like me and like riding up and down hills, this is a big plus. Charleston has a lot to offer for bike riders.
The down side of this is that there are a number of areas that flood during heavy rain. This makes things a mess for both bikes and cars though. At least a bike won’t stall out though.

Bridges and roads

Being a coastal place, there are a lot of rivers and streams. Have a look at most of the bridges in the area. Many of them are built with sidewalks on them. What is noticeably lacking though, are sidewalks leading up to the bridges. What the heck is up with that? The other problem is that most of those bridge sidewalks are pretty narrow, barely wide enough for one person to walk along.

The two major rivers, the Ashley and the Cooper, present pretty significant geographic barriers for moving between West Ashley, the peninsula and Mt. Pleasant. The Ravenel bridge makes crossing the Cooper relatively easy. Crossing the Ashley is an entirely different story. You’re either braving highway speed traffic and taking your chances crossing entry/exit ramps on the James Island Connector or trying to ride the skinny sidewalk over one of the two Ashley River bridges, only one of which has sidewalks on both ends off the bridge. A recent proposal to add on a side pedestrian/bike bridge to the existing bridge was deemed impractical due to the added weight. I’ve also seen proposals that call for converting one of the car lanes to a bike lane which I personally think is not such a good idea. However it would provide a better way across than what’s currently available. It’s definitely a case of “If you build it, they will come”. One only has to look at the bike/pedestrian sidewalk across the Ravenel bridge to see proof of that. A better long term solution would be to build a pedestrian/bike bridge over the Ashley and make it easy to get to.

A bicycle friendly place would have a network of bike routes and paths that let people ride in relative safety. There are a few obstacles to setting up a such a network in Charleston but I think it can be mostly done.

As I see it, there are two major problems with the roads in the Charleston area: the layout of the roads, and the speed of traffic.

If you look at the layout of the roads in Charleston, you find streets in developments and neighbourhoods that all dump traffic onto major arteries. Unfortunately that’s the only place most of those neighbourhood streets go. In most developments, particularly newer ones, once you’re in there’s nowhere else you can go. The lack of connectivity to anywhere means the only way to get from one place to another is along the major arteries where you’re riding with traffic that’s more often than not moving around 70-80 km/h. Sadly at this point there’s probably very little that can be done about the roads without demolishing houses and redoing entire neighbourhoods.

The majority of Charleston area roads are designed for vehicle traffic and nothing else. Roads are usually fairly narrow and without much of a shoulder, if any. If you’re riding on the main roads, you’re riding in traffic that’s usually zipping by going at least 50 km/h faster than you are. For the casual bicyclist, that’s pretty intimidating. I’ve ridden on highways with high speed traffic before, but there’s always been a pretty wide shoulder to ride in. On many roads around here, that traffic goes by with not much room to spare and leaving little room for error.


The attitudes of many motorists to bicycles on the road is pretty poor in general. Attitudes ranging from “only cars belong on roads” to “only kids ride bikes, get a car” seem to be pretty common around here. I attribute this to people just not being used to seeing riders on the road, the “have to have a car” mentality that’s prevalent here and general ignorance. It’s something only time and education will change.

The behaviour of many bicycle riders I’ve seen riding on the roads is pretty atrocious. Riding against traffic, squeezing past cars at lights, blowing through stop signs and lights and generally breaking every rule of the road there is. Again, something that needs to change with bicycle safety courses, preferably starting at the elementary and jr high/middle school level.

With all this said, bicycling is possible around here if you’re willing to brave the hazards. I see lots of people do it. Getting around the peninsula on bike is easier than most places around here. There are several riding groups and on any weekend morning you’ll see a bunch of road cyclists riding their usual routes. High heels and two wheels is a blog about a local woman who successfully gave up the car for a bicycle commute.

There’s a lot of work going on to make the Charleston area more bicycle friendly, which is good to see. There’s still a lot of work that needs to be done, and the hardest of it is going to be changing the attitudes of bicycle riders and car drivers towards each other.

Mountain bike gearing

22-32-42 on the chainring and 13-15-17-19-21-24-34 for the rear cluster makes for very low gear ratios indeed. I shall have to do something about that to make this bike decently ridable. I’d like to see if I can go 32-42-52 for the chainrings, but I’ll need to do some research to find out what kind of components are available.

One thing’s for sure: this isn’t going to be cheap. Bike components haven’t gotten any less expensive since my road days.

Dan writes:

You know what I need? A bike repair/maintenance/customization/overhaul collective… I do some of my own work, but I have lots to learn. Park Tool has a traveling school, but they aren’t scheduled to come anywhere near Charleston that I can see. I would really like to learn more about the technical side of keeping a bike up, and I bet a lot of people are in my basic situation.

Sounds like a great idea to get a bunch of cyclists together for a basic/routine maintenance workshop. I don’t know if any of the cycling groups in the area already do something like that but it strikes me as a cool thing to do.

Taking the bike out for a spin

Holy crap, is this mountain bike ever geared low. I think it maxes out at about the middle of the gear range of my road bike. In the highest gear I think I barely cracked 25 km/h in a full out sprint. Not all that unexpected for a mountain bike though, I suppose. This thing would be great back home or somewhere with a lot of steep hills to climb. Around here though, not quite so practical. Going to have to do something about the gear range before I think about taking it out onto the road. Shouldn’t be too much trouble. New set of chainrings and rear cluster should do it. I’ll need to do some research to find out what’s available and count out the teeth on the existing chainrings and cluster to see what I’ve got.

Otherwise it rides pretty smooth. Gets a little bouncy because of the suspension at high cadence, which is going to take a little getting used to. Shifting is a little slack, but I think new cables and a bit of tweaking should take care of that. Few squeaks and clicks that I’ll have to figure out the source of.

It was good to be back on a bike again, but I could definitely feel in my legs that it’s been a while.

Back to biking

My neighbour (who will be moving to St. Maarten’s soon to join his family and work their recently purchased charter boat operation) had another yard sale today to divest himself of more stuff. Since I was volunteering this morning, I couldn’t participate this time, but I did buy one of his mountain bikes.

I’ve always been a dedicated roadie and never rode mountain bikes, but since I missed out on his road bike at the last yard sale, I figured even if it was a mountain bike, it would be a good opportunity to get myself back into any kind of cycling.

The bike is in pretty decent condition. Everything moves pretty smoothly and it rides pretty well. Rims are nice and true. It’s fully suspended with front disk brake, indexed shifting and even a generator for lights. The tires are servicable, but are probably ready for replacing. I’ll probably replace the cables and repack the bearings with fresh grease once I get around to getting a set of tools again. Nothing I haven’t done repeatedly to my old road bike.

It’s quite a bit different than riding my road bike, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it. I’m looking forward to getting the bike on the road and riding again.

The Landis controversy

So now that news of Landis’ drug test and suspicion has hit all the mainstream media (NBC even dragged Greg Lemond out onto the Today Show), everybody seems to be pretty quick to condemn and blame his Stage 17 win on drugs. I’m not saying Landis wasn’t doping. I’ll wait until the results of the second test and for the results of the investigation to decide if he was or wasn’t. What I’m saying is that the people who are so quick to credit drugs and doping for his Stage 17 comeback are wrong. Everyone seems to be forgetting one thing that contributed hugely to Landis’ stage win:

The peleton let Landis go.

All of the GC contenders made the colossal mistake of underestimating his ability to recover from bonking in Stage 16 and didn’t take his attack seriously. So they let him go out on his attack, and by the time they decided he was coming back into contention, it was too late. The peleton was too far back to catch up. You can bet if Landis was somewhere in the top 6 or 7 instead of 11th after Stage 16, the GC contenders would have counter-attacked and not let Landis get as much of a lead as he did. It was still the ride of his life, but he probably wouldn’t have gained as much time back if the GC contenders took him seriously. Landis even told everybody he was going to attack that day.

After all, it’s hardly the first time anyone has attacked the peleton early and rode pretty much the entire stage in the lead and won. It happens at least once each year. Look at what Rasmussen did in Stage 16. He lead for virtually the entire stage to win.

Anybody who’s ever bonked out on the road will tell you it’s hardly fatal. Drag yourself home, plenty of fluids, lots of food, lots of rest and the next day you’re pretty much right as rain. That’s exactly what Landis did, coupled with the ability to recover quickly. Being able to recover quickly is inherent in anybody who rides The Tour. You can’t survive The Tour without that ability. The ones that recover quickest after each stage are the ones that become GC contenders. The ones that don’t or can’t end up dropping out or get get eliminated.

That’s just my 2 cents.