Happy anniversary!

5 years ago today, the wife and I finally got around to getting hitched. We were going to get married when we were in Detroit, but that was interrupted by our move to Charleston, so once we moved down and got established the wedding planning got started in earnest. 2 years later (to save up some $ and about a year of planning) we got mawwied!

It was a very nice spring day that started off with me and the guys stuffed into our little 1 bedroom apartment getting up, a panicked phone call from the wife telling me to rush over to the dry cleaners to pick up one of the bridesmaid’s skirts, running out to the grocery store to pick up the sandwich platter and trying to figure out how the tuxedos went together.

The day followed with meeting the women over at the courtesy suite at Charleston Place and then off to Middleton Place for the photos. Weather was perfect with not a cloud in the sky (which made hanging around in black tuxedos a little bit toasty).

After the photos, it was back downtown to the church where we waited around for about an hour and cooled off while guests started arriving. Final primpings were done and then it was showtime!

It was a very nice ceremony with a lot of Catholic pomp (but no mass, since I’m not Catholic).

fterwards there were more photos inside the church and then outside for photos with everyone else. Then we went off on a carriage ride through downtown (the wedding party got their own carriage ride tour too) and got dropped off at Charleston Place for the reception.

People still talk to us about our reception and what a great time they had there. It seemed like everyone was having a really good time too. Definitely wasn’t one of those eat-and-run receptions I’ve been to before. People stayed until the very end when the DJ announced the busses were here to take everyone back to their hotels. They were even carrying off the centerpieces and table decorations we made (which we encouraged…what the heck were we going to do with 35 table centerpieces…)

One of these days I need to get a scanner and scan all the photos. I also need to redigitize the wedding video and put it onto DVD. The wedding was definitely an event to remember.

I have another neice!

Congratulations to my brother and his wife on the newest member of their family, Vivian Woon Marie Mah (they seem to like to give their kids lots of names).

For you baby fiends out there, this is what my brother said about her:
Vivian Woon Marie Mah
January 18, 2006 @ 10:28am
3.88 kilograms or
8 pounds 9 ounces

A long busy day

Had a very long and fun day with the family yesterday. Started off with a trip to Stanley Park and the Vancouver Aquarium. Stanley Park is pretty big with lots of biking, walking and hiking trails running throughout. Kind of wish Charleston had big parks like this. Ended up spending a little more time there than we thought, having to go look for Dad who decided to wander off and go for a walk.

Then it was off to Chinatown for some dinner and to check out the Night Market. It’s a pretty cool 2 block long farmer’s market type atmosphere with all kinds of stuff to browse around and purchase. Most of the stores were closed, so there wasn’t much point browsing around Chinatown itself. I was expecting Chinatown to be bigger than what the map showed though. Guess I’ll just have to come back to browse around some more.

Physician, heal thyself thy spouse

My med student wife, during the course of her studying for finals, keeps heaping strange tests and diagnoses on me, and giving me weird diseases and syndromes.

After studying for neurophysiology and reading about various symptoms, she’s now decided that i have a mild form of autism. Boy, can’t wait to see what I’ll end up with during her psych clinical rotation in a couple of years…

Happy Anniversary!

Happy anniversary to my lovely wife! Hard to believe we got married 4 years ago today. Doesn’t seem like it’s been that long at all. Looking forward to many more years to come.