Friday Five

When was the last time you…

1. …went to the doctor?
About a year ago for my annual physical

2. …went to the dentist?
Probably far too long ago. I think maybe 8 or 9 years or so.

3. …filled your gas tank?
About 3 weeks ago.

4. …got enough sleep?
Sleep? I always get enough sleep.

5. …backed up your computer?
Home computer was backed up about a month ago, work computer
probably too long ago. That one’s a little overdue.

Friday Five

1. Are you superstitious?

2. What extremes have you heard of someone going to in the name of superstition?
Hmm, can’t really think of any off the top of my head.

3. Believer or not, what’s your favorite superstition?
Don’t think I have one…

4. Do you believe in luck? If yes, do you have a lucky number/article of clothing/ritual?
Not really.

5. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
No. I think it’s silly to think that some particular arrangement of stars and planets somehow determines our personality and/or fate. I mean really, they’re stars and planets that are hundreds, thousands, even millions of light years (miles for the planets) away. How could any arrangement of flaming balls of gas possibly determine the course of our existence? And if they could, why would they care?

Friday Five

1. What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
Made a spur of the moment decision to buy a plane ticket to New York as I passed a travel agency on my way to work. A very big and daring thing to do for a low paid grad student living cheque to cheque and had never gone any further from home on his own than a 3 hour car trip.

2. What one thing would you like to try that your mother/friend/significant other would never approve of?
Hmm, i don’t know if I should say…

3. On a scale of 1-10, what’s your risk factor? (1=never take risks, 10=it’s a lifestyle)
I’d have to say I’m probably around 2 or 3.

4. What’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you as a result of being bold/risky?
I met the woman who ended up becoming my wife.

5. … and what’s the worst?
hmm, nothing comes to mind.

Friday Five

You have just won one million dollars:

1. Who do you call first?
Probably my wife, unless she was there with me when I win. Then I might call my sister or brother.

2. What is the first thing you buy for yourself?
The complete Babylon 5 series, Stargate SG1 series, and the Star Trek film series, all on DVD. And maybe a Trek 2300 with all the accessories.

3. What is the first thing you buy for someone else?
Probably the horse and Nissan Titan my wife wants.

4. Do you give any away? If yes, to whom?
Set up some scholarships for physics students at University of Alberta and donations to the Canadian Diabetes Association and American Diabetes Association.

5. Do you invest any? If so, how?
I think I’d sock away about half of it in various investments. I’d have to find a financial advisor to consult with, someone who came highly recommended by someone I trust.

Friday Five

At this moment, what is your favorite…

1. …song?
Man in Motion by John Parr

2. …food?
Cold smoked salmon

3. …tv show?
Stargate SG1

4. …scent?

5. …quote?
The one in my email sig,
“For I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words Bother me.” Winnie the Pooh