Friday Five

Hey, it’s on time this time!

1. What does it say in the signature line of your emails?

Eugene Mah, M.Sc., DABR     
Medical Physicist/Misplaced Canuck
Department of Radiology               "For I am a Bear of Very Little
Medical University of South Carolina   Brain, and long words Bother
Charleston, South Carolina             me."   Winnie the Pooh
PGP KeyID = 0x1F9779FD, 0x319393F4
PGP keys available on request         ICQ 3113529                 O-

2. Did you have a senior quote in your high school yearbook? What was it? If you haven’t graduated yet, what would you like your quote to be?
Nope, I don’t think I did, or else I don’t remember what it was.

3. If you had vanity plates on your car, what would they read? If you already have them, what do they say?
I want IMABUG.

4. Have you received any gifts with messages engraved upon them? What did the inscription say?

5. What would you like your epitaph to be?
Just my name, birthdate and date I died.

Friday Five, late again

This is only late because there wasn’t a new one up when I checked on Friday, and never got around to checking again later on.

What one thing are you most looking forward to . . .

1. …today?
Lunch with my wife.

2. …over the next week?
Lunches with my wife before she heads back to school.

3. …this year?
Getting more papers written

4. …over the next five years?
Enjoying my work even more.

5. …for the rest of your life?
Spending it with my wife.

Another late Friday Five

1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?
Making sure everything was in tip top shape for my part in DHEC and JCAHO inspections this year. May not seem like it, but it can be a lot of work making sure all the documentation is in order.

2. What was your biggest disappointment?
No really big disappointments. Maybe not taking that job at Duke University, but neither choice was a bad one for me to make.

3. What do you hope the new year brings?
More progress on the path to enlightenment, wherever that takes me.

4. Will you be making any New Year’s resolutions? If yes, what will they be?
I usually try to avoid making resolutions.

5. What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?
No plans yet. Maybe find a event or party to go to.

Friday Five, late but what the heck

Yeah, it’s not Friday. Hey, I was on vacation on Friday.

Don’t know if I can come up with 5 for all of these. I’ll just list what I think of.

1. List your five favorite beverages.
Coke, Dad’s Root Beer, orange juice, Big Rock Traditional Ale, Newcastle Brown Ale

2. List your five favorite websites.
In no particular order,
User Friendly
Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD)
Calvin and Hobbes
Science Daily

3. List your five favorite snack foods.
Corn nuts
Coffee Crisp
Old Dutch Ketchup potato chips
Chips Ahoy

4. List your five favorite board and/or card games.
Hmm, don’t really play too many board or card games anymore…
Magic: The Gathering

5. List your five favorite computer and/or game system games.
Unreal Tournament 2003

Friday Five

1. Do you enjoy the cold weather and snow for the holidays?
Love it. It’s just not the holiday season without it.

2. What is your ideal holiday celebration? How, where, with whom would you celebrate to make things perfect?
A holiday back home with friends and family.

3. Do you do have any holiday traditions?
Nothing out of the ordinary.

4. Do you do anything to help the needy?

5. What one gift would you like for yourself?
I have most everything I need, so there really isn’t anything in particular that iI want at the moment. Although a Trek 1500 might be nice.