Friday Five

This week’s Friday Five.

1. Who is your favorite singer/musician? Why?
Hmm, there are several. Stevie Nicks, Gloria Estefan, Amy Grant, Sting…hard to choose between them. I love Stevie Nicks’ voice, Gloria Estefan’s music, Sting because he’s just cool, and Amy Grant because I find her music very inspiring.

2. What one singer/musician can you not stand? Why?
Marilyn Manson…He just strikes me as such an act and poseur. I dunno why.

3. If your favorite singer wasn’t in the music business, do you think you would still like him/her as a person?
If they weren’t in the music business, it’s likely I would never have heard of them. But if their non-music star personality would have been anything like their music star personality (at least what personality comes filtered through the media), then I probably would still like them.

4. Have you been to any concerts? If yes, who put on the best show?
I’ve only been to one concert, an Amy Grant concert sometime back in the mid 80s. It was a good show.

5. What are your thoughts on downloading free music online vs. purchasing albums? Do you feel the RIAA is right in its pursuit to stop people from dowloading free music?
I’m generally against downloading pirated music online. All of my music has been purchased, either new or used. Lately most of it has been used, because new CDs are so horribly overpriced. I’m definitely against RIAA’s strong arm tactics against music downloaders. I don’t think it does anything except polarize people against the RIAA and the music companies they represent.

Friday Five

Time for another Friday Five to distract me from continually monitoring Hurricane Isabel…

1. Is the name you have now the same name that’s on your birth certificate? If not, what’s changed?

2. If you could change your name (first, middle and/or last), what would it be?
Why would I want to change it?

3. Why were you named what you were? (Is there a story behind it? Who specifically was responsible for naming you?)
No story that I’m aware of, aside from possibly my parents wanting to give me a Western kind of name so I would fit in better.

4. Are there any names you really hate or love? What are they and why?
Not particularly.

5. Is the analysis of your name at accurate? How or how isn’t it?

Brief Analysis
Your name of Eugene gives you a very happy-go-lucky, spontaneous nature. You see the humorous side of many situations and can laugh at yourself as well as at others. This name gives you a musical, artistic nature and you would do well in any occupation in the entertainment field. You have many friends because of your generous, happy nature, but if crossed you have a quick temper, although your annoyance does not last too long. You do enjoy an argument and will at times say things just to get others going and then you sit back and enjoy the debate. You lack system and order and find it very difficult to budget and save money. This name creates a nature that can be the life of the party, but many times you can become involved in emotional situations against your better judgment. Your compassionate nature causes you to be too generous and you often give more than you can afford to.

Hmm, I’d have to say about 1/3 to 1/2 accurate. Gets a some things right. I’m a little musical only because of having played the viola for 10 years (I don’t play anymore), definitely not artistic, hate arguments, have never been the life of any party and don’t have a quick temper at all. The rest of it I suppose could more or less describe me.

Friday Five

1. What housekeeping chore(s) do you hate doing the most?

2. Are there any that you like or don’t mind doing?

3. Do you have a routine throughout the week or just clean as it’s needed?
I usually try to tidy up on weekends. I try to vacuum weekly, but more often than not, it ends up being every 3 or 4 weeks. The wife usually makes us go on a cleaning binge whenever someone’s coming over.

4. Do you have any odd cleaning/housekeeping quirks or rules?
Not really

5. What was the last thing you cleaned?
The mess that got made when I accidentally dropped a jar of applesauce on the kitchen floor.

Friday Five

Time for another Friday Five

1. Are you going to school this year?

2. If yes, where are you going (high school, college, etc.)? If no, when did you graduate?
Graduated in 1996 with my Master’s

3. What are/were your favorite school subjects?
Math and Physics

4. What are/were your least favorite school subjects?

5. Have you ever had a favorite teacher? Why was he/she a favorite?
Mr. Gosman, high school social studies teacher. He was funny, and made current events interesting.

Friday Five

Time for another Friday Five.

1. When was the last time you laughed?
This morning

2. Who was the last person you had an argument with?
It was probably my wife.

3. Who was the last person you emailed?
My brother, earlier this morning.

4. When was the last time you bathed?
Had a shower yesterday. Bath? I think it’s been a while.

5. What was the last thing you ate?
A slice of raspberry chocolate cake. It was the top of my wedding cake from a couple of years ago.