Rainbow brain

What Color is Your Brain?

GREEN:At work or in school: I work best by myself. I like to focus on my ideas until my desire for understanding is satisfied. I am easily bored if the subject holds no interest to me. Sometimes, it is hard for me to set priorities because so many things are of interest.
With friends: I may seem reserved. Although my thoughts and feelings run deep, I am uneasy with frequent displays of emotion. I enjoy people who are interesting and of high integrity.
With family: I am probably seen as a loner because I like a lot of private time to think. Sometimes, I find family activities boring and have difficulty following family rules that don’t make sense to me. I show love by spending time with my family and sharing ideas and interests.
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Another one nabbed from Vera

How Many?

Eugene Mah
  • There are 347,964 people in the U.S. with the first name Eugene.
  • Statistically the 164th most popular first name.
  • 99.14 percent of people with the first name Eugene are male.
  • Names similar to Eugene:
  • There are 1,770 people in the U.S. with the last name Mah.
  • Statistically the 16662nd most popular last name. (tied with 411 other last names)
Eugene Mah
  • There are 2 people in the U.S. named Eugene Mah.

Logo There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Not sure how accurate their statistics are, but I suppose if someone’s looking for me, I wouldn’t be hard to find.

Nabbed from Vera

Fantasy genealogy

Augh! I’ve been tagged!

Which famous person would you most like to learn that you are descended from?
Buddha. Maybe it will put me a little further along the path to enlightenment.
Which famous person would you hate to learn that you are descended from?
Genghis Khan. He was one mean dude.
If you could be ancestor to any living famous person, who would it be and why?
Hmmm. Stephen Hawking I think. It would be cool to be related to one of the smartest people in the world.
If you could go back in time and meet any known ancestor(s) of yours, who would it be?
Some of the ones that lived in ancient China. I’ve always wondered their lives might have been like 4000 or so years ago (when Europeans were still in diapers).
Tag five others:
I don’t know if I know 5 others that read this blog. Maybe some of these people will respond. Joan, Windviel, Betty, Geoff, Paul

Food meme

How do you like your eggs? In Benedict form. Particularly the Smoked Salmon Benedict from Joseph’s.
How do you take your coffee/tea? Coffee, in the bean wrapped in chocolate. Tea, strong, hot and straight up.
Favorite breakfast food? Cold pizza.
Peanut butter? The crunchier the better.
What kind of dressing on your salad? Italian.
You’re feeling lazy. What do you make? Nachos.
You’re feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order? Pepperoni, sausage, mushroom.
You feel like cooking. What do you make? A large hunk of roasted meat.
Do any foods bring back good memories? Dim Sum.
Do any foods bring back bad memories? Can’t think of any. I’ve probably blocked them all out.
Do any foods remind you of someone? Don’t think so.
Is there a food you refuse to eat? Liver.
What was your favorite food as a child? Beefaroni.
Is there a food that you hated as a child but now love? Broccoli.
Is there a food that you loved as a child but now hate? None that I can think of.
Favorite fruit & vegetable? Apples.
Favorite junk food? Potato chips.
Favorite between meal snack? Cookies.
Do you have any weird food habits? Not really.
You’re on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on? Fruits.
You’re off your diet. Now what would you like? Chocolate. All of it.
How spicy do you order Indian/Thai? Spicy spicy. If snot isn’t dribbling out of my nose, it’s not hot enough.
Can I get you a drink? A frosty pint of Big Rock Traditional Ale with a shot of lime juice.
Red wine or white? White.
Favorite dessert? Anything chocolate. Never met a chocolate I didn’t like.
The perfect nightcap? Don’t have one. Don’t like to drink before bed.
Pinched from Mike