Wednesday fill-in

Since Heather’s having issues with her net connection this morning, I thought I’d fill in by rounding up a few posts that came across my smaller subset of the Lowcountry Blogroll.

Bushido Way discovers that the labels on Coors bottles really are temperature sensitive. I wonder if the cans do the same thing.

Lowcountry Foodie provides more drool inducing photos and commentary about the new Charleston Grill.

Mustang Rolling is on location at the Citadelproviding some commentary on the fear culture developing at schools

Brian worries the storm system off the coast might get a little stronger.
Back to work for me now.

LCB’s first blogiversary

According to Dan, today is the first blogiversary of LCB. It’s grown up to be quite a collection of area blogs, most of which make for pretty good and varied reading. I’ve enjoyed watching and participating in the evolution of LCB.

I bet the next year on LCB will be fun too.

The next gathering

Heather raises a very important subject this morning: Where and when to have our next blogger gathering. A Picnic Gathering at that.

I vote for a beach picnic. Go leave a comment and let’s get the planning started!

Post-blog party round-uppage

Those of you who may have been checking in on the Lowcountry Bloggers Planet will have to forgive any weirdness going on. I’m messing around with the styles and some of the divs are messed up, so it might look a little strange sometimes. Work is ongoing. Anyway, on with the round-up!

Looks like I missed quite the blogger party yesterday. From all the photos posted, it looked like everyone had a good time.

Post blog party action

Joan was first with the photos posting a few good ones of the group. Heather got to blog about the party in two places. I’m sure any damage she thinks she might have caused will be quickly forgotten. Jared was one of the first-timers and had a good time at the party and discovered a fellow San Diegoan (April). Vera impressed everyone with her mad knitting skills and handling 4 needles at a time. I can barely handle one pencil at a time. Also with pictures are April, Windviel, Vera and Mike. I think Janet says it quite nicely:

I am amazed at what a diverse group we are, yet we have so much fun together.

The Rest

Jason ponders mail daemons and the pace of technology.

Microfamous has been having a tough week.

Paul wants to know our opinion on reincarnation. Having some Zen/Tao-ish leanings, I do. I want to come back as a dog.

While everyone was having fun at the blog party, I had my hands full with the dogs at obedience class.

Xarker jmsloop liked Superman Returns and considers the good and bad uses of having x-ray vision.

Brian recounts a conversation on King St.

Chip discovers a…ummm…clever use for beanbag chairs.

Checking in with a quick blog post from NY is Meghann who seems to be having a good time making out with cute boys.

Alison gets a haircut and some styling at a frou-frou NYC salon.

CharlestonWatch notes that $6M (to help bail out CARTA) is about to be tacked onto a transportation bond issue to be voted upon towards the end of the year.

Knitting Lisa is looking to infect her niece with some craftiness with a little sewing machine.

OldController is celebrating the big 5-0 today! Stop by and say happy birthday!

There are some poop stomping puppies over at Surry. I suppose you have to take the good with the bad when it comes to dog breeding.

Holiday week roundup

This morning’s round up is brought to you by the letters C, J and the number 4.

Jared summarizes a couple of techie bits about Ebay, Google and Microsoft. He also measured quite a bit of rain thanks to yesterday’s storm.

Post birthday reflections on blogging and journaling at the same time by Bellascribe.

Jason has a great photo of some fireworks over at South Carolina Photography Guild.

Geoff talks about some of his more recent activities that are mostly the same in back home. He also has a very cool picture of the new Cooper River bridge.

Agricola has journalism and ethics on his mind, specifically relating to the NYT.

Janet discovers a fountain under her house (and not the good wishing well kind either).

Pope’s got a list of things for us guys to do while the SO is shopping. I like #1.

Paul asks how intelligence ranks when choosing a mate. He’s also got a book for you politicos to read while waiting for the next election.

Like a lot of people, April doesn’t watch the news either. I find it rather depressing too.

Who doesn’t like a good cheeseburger? Robert at Al Forno reviews the burgers at Sesame up in N Chuck, and talks about what he wants in a cheeseburger.

Mike’s getting class action suite settlements up the wazoo.

Biffle the Idea Guy suggests a valet parking scheme for the downtown area.

A couple of hiking pictures from Jason at Cavaliers and Roundheads.

Nebraskan transplant David and his friends were cheering on Germany in World Cup action.
Chuck gets new plumbing and hot water and passes along a good tip when looking for contractors:

IF you decide to use a general contractor, get one that your friends or someone you trust has used. Get references and talk with his/her former (hopefully happy) clients and PAY NO MONEY in advance. The good ones will take care of ALL the details, secure the required permits, hire qualified and dependable licensed craftsmen, proceed in a timely manner and help you avoid costly missteps.

djdroogie‘s moved his blog and wrapped up his vacation to start Prototype school.

More Crazy4America from Uncle Zoloft.

Journalistic mudslinging and stirring up tour guides at GMLc.

Gone to Carolina recounts their first 4th of July celebration in SC.

I’m just sayn’ has some quotes to ponder on.

Knitting blogger Lisa starts on the scarf and gets a special little something from her secret pal.

Microfamous doesn’t really want to be famous and lists her reasons why.

Physics, Superman and superchickens at Jason’s.

Monsoon Cantina has lots of pictures from his daughter’s first birthday party-turn-housewarming party.

Perusing Life has a Friday Five meme thing going on.

Saphyre is pain free thanks to her new morphine pump.

Surry Labs’ Saucy is recovering from her spay operation.

Microbial Lab’s dog routine doesn’t sound too much different from mine, although I don’t have a wonder beagle to deal with yet.

Our other knitting blogger Vera shares pictures and crafty knitted things from something called a LYS SNB night. Whatever it was, it looked like fun.

Joan describes the world tour she took after winning $10k worth of travel. If only the rest of us could be so lucky.

Trippingly on the Tongue has some opening lines for imaginary novels.