Blognic ’09 planning

If it’s September, that means time to start planning for another Blognic!

By my count this will be Blognic #4 and since Wannamaker County Park worked so well for the last two, might as well go there again (unless someone has other suggestions).

Now we just need a date. My thoughts for potential dates are the weekends of Sept 26, Oct 3, Oct 10 or Oct 17. Those just happen to be weekends I have free, but don’t let that stop you from suggesting other dates. Personally I like the Oct 10 or 17 dates.

As usual, Blognic ’09 will be a pot-luck affair for the whole family and by no means limited to bloggers so everybody’s invited!

LCB’s third anniversary

Heather noted that most of the better attended meetups happened to be ones that I threw together. I think I just got volunteered for stuff.

Today’s third anniversary meetup turned out pretty well. Had about 20 bloggers and tweeters show up, possibly much to the dismay of the lone newbie waitress working the patio area who was expecting a slow evening. I was pleasantly surprised by the numbers that showed.

It’s always good to get together and I think everybody had a pretty good time.

Several #jaredrumours were being formulated.

Anniversary meetup

Plans to meet at Harbor Grille prior to tonight’s showing of Star Trek at the Hippodrome got me thinking about the first Lowcountry blogger meetup, which was held there (it was Toucan Reef back then). Delving in to my blog archives, I discovered that tonight’s meetup almost coincides with the third anniversary of the very first Lowcountry Bloggers meetup.

If anybody’s interested, I propose that to celebrate the third anniversary of blogger meetups (you Tweeters can come too) we all return to the scene of the crime for an anniversary meetup.

What: Lowcountry Bloggers 3rd anniversary meetup
Where: Harbor Grille
When: May 16, 2009 6PM to whenever
Who: You (and whatever friends you want to bring along)
Why: Because it’ll be a fun time!

Glass Onion meetup

Tonight’s meetup at The Glass Onion was pretty well attended, with about 21 people showing up. Seemed like everybody had a pretty good time, and it’s always nice to see new faces at the meetups.

The food? Oh yeah, it was really good. This is the braised pork belly and grits that I had. It was all kinds of yummy.

Holiday meetup fun

Today’s holiday meetup at Bowen’s Island Restaurant turned out to be a lot of fun with a few new tweeters joining us.

Holiday meetup bunch

As usual oysters were plentiful. We finished off about 3 or 4 piles like this

A pile of steaming oysters

Last men standing (although they started after we did)

The aftermath

Jared also put on a Blackberry clinic, because just about everybody seemed to have one.

Jared two-fisted Blackberry-ing