Back from our road trip

Back from our DC vacation. We went up there to visit with the wife’s cousin and some of her family there. Had a pretty good time there, although there wasn’t as much time to tour around DC itself as we might have wanted. Still got to see a few things.

Arrived at the hotel just north of DC (in Laurel) on Friday. First order of business was to find the nearest dog park. After being cooped up in their crates for 6 hours (with a couple of stops at rest areas to stretch a bit), we needed to get them out and running around. Thanks to Google, we managed to find one that was pretty close to where we were staying and spent some time hanging out there for a while letting the dogs run.

Then it was off to the Bay ‘n Surf down the road. Nice little place, good seafood although a little pricey. They do have what is probably the best crab cake ever though.

Next thing we had to do was find a Chinese restaurant that did Dim Sum. Owing to the sad state of Chinese food here in Charleston (a topic for another blog entry), this is something we look for whereever we go. Saturday we jumped on the Metro and went down to Lei Garden in DC’s Chinatown area (much smaller than I would have expected) where we found a passable dim sum that was pretty tasty, although somewhat pricey for dim sum. Their selection was also a little smaller than other places I’ve been to. Then we spent the day downtown checking out some of the National Mall. Sadly I forgot to grab the camera, so no pictures of our adventures. We hit the National Air & Space Museum (very cool and fun stuff to check out) and the National Museum of American History. On the way back to the Metro, the wife spotted a sign for the Hope Diamond exhibit over at the National Museum of Natural History which naturally she just had to go see.

The rest of the evening we spent hanging out with the wife’s cousin and family.

Sunday we were pretty pooped out from all of the walking the day before, so we didn’t do too much. Went to check out Tony Cheng’s Seafood Restaurant for dinner. Pretty good food, but again a little on the pricey side. The dishes are pretty large though, and we did end up getting 2 more meals out of it, so in that respect it comes in pretty resonably on the value scale. Then it was more hanging out with the wife’s cousin.

Monday, it was finally time to head back, so all our stuff and the dogs got stuffed back into the mini-van we rented and we hit the road.

With the price of gas these days, I’m surprised anybody can afford to do road trips at all. Our little sojourn up to the DC area and back was maybe around 1300 miles and ran up a gas tab of about $180. Ouch. Well, we still had a good time. Maybe we’ll head back one of these days and stay a little longer next time.

Off to Vegas!

Wow, a whole week without a single entry. Ever get so busy that you have a hard time keeping track of what you’re supposed to be working on? That’s my problem right now. Too many things going on.It’s starting to get me a little bit behind on my equipment surveys. I’ve got technical support for a bunch of clinical research protocols that are starting to get ramped up and a couple of research projects that need to get finished up among the many things starting to pile up.

Yesterday a Shimadzu portable unit with integrated digital detector fell into my lap for acceptance testing. TPTB decided to bring one in on a trial basis for the week. An interesting compact unit powered by Windows XP of all things. The detector is a scintillator based aSi:H flat panel detector about 35cmx43cm tethered to the portable by a long cable. The portable unit itself wasn’t terribly remarkable. The integrated flat panel detector was pretty neat, although I didn’t have much time to spend doing a more thorough evaluation of the panel itself.

One thing that’s kind of bugging me about the DR software vendors use is the exposure area masking they do. Of the two digital units I’ve tested so far, both of them mask off the unexposed area of the image. It’s probably convenient for the radiologist looking at the image, because they don’t have to deal with a large white unexposed area. For me, the masking makes it a little bit difficult to test the radiation/light field alignment because my light field markers usually end up being in the masked area. So far I haven’t been able to find any way to get the software to turn the masking off. Mightily inconvenient if you ask me.

For the next week, I can put that stack of things to do away (at least for a little while) while we head off to see the sights and sounds of Las Vegas. This will be our first trip there and we’re looking forward to it. Many things planned, including going to see Mystere, some horseback riding and the Atomic Testing Museum. We’re flying out tomorrow afternoon, and coming back next Friday night. Should be cool. Look for a few blog entries and pictures in the gallery while I’m there (if I can get online).

A long busy day

Had a very long and fun day with the family yesterday. Started off with a trip to Stanley Park and the Vancouver Aquarium. Stanley Park is pretty big with lots of biking, walking and hiking trails running throughout. Kind of wish Charleston had big parks like this. Ended up spending a little more time there than we thought, having to go look for Dad who decided to wander off and go for a walk.

Then it was off to Chinatown for some dinner and to check out the Night Market. It’s a pretty cool 2 block long farmer’s market type atmosphere with all kinds of stuff to browse around and purchase. Most of the stores were closed, so there wasn’t much point browsing around Chinatown itself. I was expecting Chinatown to be bigger than what the map showed though. Guess I’ll just have to come back to browse around some more.

Off to Vancouver!

After a brief stop at the Microsoft Store we hit the road for Vancouver. It’s not a bad trip, a couple of hours or so in good traffic straight up I-5. Went across the border at the Peace Arch. Didn’t get to stop or anything though. Maybe on the way back. Looks like a nice place to relax while you’re waiting in line at the border crossing.

US/Canada Peace Arch border crossing

At some point during this trip, we’ll be going to the Vancouver Aquarium, makikng our way to Chinatown and somehow squeezing in a visit with my brother and his family. All before we leave tomorrow.

Oh, and today is SysAdmin Appreciation Day. Go give one a hug. Or the day off. Or just don’t do anything on/to/with your computer today :).

Orlando photos

We had a good time on the trip. Went to Seaworld where we got to pet penguins and dolphins and feed stingrays. Rode on Kraken, one really kick ass rollercoaster and got soaked on Journey To Atlantis.

The next day we drove out to Kennedy Space Center and explored around there most of the day. Very cool place. I particularly enjoyed the Apollo/Saturn V center. It’s hard to imagine just how large the Saturn V really is until you see it up close.

Our last full day we spent the evening at Downtown Disney and saw Cirque du Soleil’s La Nouba. I love Cirque du Soleil. They’re so much fun to watch. And like many shows, it’s even better to see in live. Definitely worth going to if you have a chance.