At this very moment, my wife, along with several dozen other prospective med students are taking the MCAT. This will be her second attempt at the test. She’s nervous about it, but hopefully she’ll do well this time around.

On another note, I’ve been watching Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. It’s been very interesting watching and learning about the different sharks. What I find most entertaining though are the short Shark Week promo clips they play before going on commercial break. They show assorted people standing nervously around various bodies of water (swimming pools, inflatable kiddie pools, etc). I think they’re hilarious.

Another Friday Five

1. How much time do you spend online each day?
My computer at work is always online. I’d say anywhere from 4-6 hours, split between home and work.

2. What is your browser homepage set to?

3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)?

4. Where was your first webpage located?

5. How long have you had your current website?
Current website is I’ve had it for about 7 years now I think.

New photo gallery

I decided to put up my own photo gallery using the most excellent Gallery software. Look out for more albums in the coming days…

Classic movies

Last night on TCM, the wife and I were watching Grand Hotel. Apparently it was Greta Garbo day on TCM, but the wife just wanted to see who John Barrymore was.

It was an interesting movie about the lives of people living in a posh Berlin hotel. We both enjoyed the movie, but Casablanca still remains my all time favourite. Anything with Audrey Hepburn comes in a close second.

Moonrise over the marsh

This is a picture I took back in April from the 3rd floor of the apartment building I live in. The full moon was just rising, and we were having one of those unusually high tides when I took the photo. Olympus C4000Z, 4 second exposure time, f2.8, ISO set to 400.

Moon rise over the marsh