Good lord, FORTRAN .NET????
What is this world coming to…
Perspectives of a Canadian in the Old/Deep/New/Geographic South: This is where I ramble on about nothing in particular and post a few nice pictures.
Good lord, FORTRAN .NET????
What is this world coming to…
This time next week, I’ll be roasting in some place called Jackson, AL (north of Mobile, AL), where my wife’s family is having a reunion. I’m told it will be an interesting time. In preparation, my wife and I are helping construct a family tree. That in itself has been an interesting hobby in development. My side of the family is pretty small so far, but my wife’s side just keeps growing and growing.
To help out with our new hobby, I found this cool program called GeneWeb to store the data in. It’s pretty easy to use and install, has a lot of features, and it’s free!
At the reunion, we’re supposed to be manning the registration table, so what I’m going to try to do is either use my digital cam or a webcam to take head shots of various people to enter into our GeneWeb database along with all their family tree related details.
Should be interesting to see how all these people tie together.
An Associated Press article in today’s Post and Courier grabbed my interest today. It’s about a new airport passenger screening device that uses scattered x-rays to detect weapons and explosives.
AFAIK, many states prohibit the use of radiation on people unless it’s for medical purposes. I’m sure that someone will manage to get an exception for these types of machines given time. There are still ethical issues with exposing masses of people to radiation, no matter how low the dose. Most people are paranoid enough about radiation (mostly because of lack of knowledge). Now the TSA wants to unnecessarily irradiating hundreds of thousands of people with low, but not trivial radiation doses just to get on an airplane?
I smell much controversy coming up if the TSA gets their way with these units.
Because my wife is a biology person (where I am decidely not), I occasionally end up getting introduced (willing or not) to various biology and chemistry related topics. So when the latest issue of New Trail (the University of Alberta alumni magazine) arrived, arrived I saw an article about something called Microbe Cards that I thought she might be interested in.
MicrobeCards are like baseball cards. But instead of pictures of athletes, you get pictures of different microbes. All sorts of nasty looking germs, virii, fungi and the like.
The front of each card has several pictures of the organism (electron micrographs, microsope images, sometimes x-ray images, etc) so you can see what they look like. On the back of the card is a description of the microbe, effects on people, symptoms, possible treatments, and short descriptions of what the photos on the front are.
Developed by a U of A prof (another reason I’m plugging these cards), the cards are organized in colour coded groups: gram-negative, gram-positive, fungi and parasites, and viruses.
I bought a couple of packs for her and she thought they were just the coolest thing. For their size, they pack a good deal of information for reviewing characteristics of particular microbes.
You can find the cards at or at the University of Alberta Bookstore.
Ok, today I’ll plug the blogging app that I’m using here, MovableType.
One of our radiologists asked about possibilities for setting up some kind of online logbook that residents could use to log the procedures they perform. My first thought was that it sounded like something a blogging app could do. I searched the web looking at different blogging apps that met 2 criteria: source code available, and low cost (preferably free). This one had the most features for the best price that I could find. Installed it, got it running, played with it a little bit, then they decided to go with some other software.
So MovableType sat around on my system unused for a few months, until I decided to try out the blogging world. Cranked it back up and here we are now.
Turns out that MovableType (MT) is a pretty flexible app. It’s written in Perl, easy to install, and is extremely configurable through the use of plugins, templates and style sheets. One of the plugins lets me put the latest weather for just about any location I can find. Very slick. There’s quite the list of plugins available that do many different things. Plugins are also written in Perl, so should be pretty easy to write, if you know Perl (which I don’t).
If you’re searching for blogging software for your site, I’d check this one out.