
So far, Barkley is showing himself to be a very stereotypical young Lab. He’s very active and rambunctious, very clingy, always curious, and if you’re not watching him closely, getting into trouble.
We’re still working on his house training. I know he’s quite capable of holding it while he’s in the crate, but outside he always seems to want to pee every couple of hours. I think he’s starting to get it through his little brain that he’s not supposed to pee inside though, but it’s still a work in progress at the moment.
He does pretty well at walking on the leash. Doesn’t pull too much, but he does tend to wander around and if you’re not careful you’ll find your legs wrapped up by the leash.
He’s starting to get a little bit better about being in the crate at night. He’s down to whining and crying for only 15 minutes before settling down now instead of the loud anguished and tortured cries he used to make.
Haven’t been out to the dog park with Barkley yet because he’s still got a staple in him from his neutering operation. It looks like the staple can come out so I’ll try to get him in to the vet tomorrow or Tuesday and get one of the vet techs to remote it. Then we can let the fun begin.
Nala (L) and Barkley (R) sleeping
Sleepy dogs

Meet Barkley!

The patch on his forehead is where the blob of pine sap got ripped off when it got caught on something he was trying to crawl under. It’s healing up quite nicely and looks worse in the picture than it really is. He’s definitely a very active dog and a real sweetie who doesn’t like to be very far away from his person. I’m looking forward to seeing how he behaves at the dog park once he gets the staples removed from his neutering operation.
Barkley catching a few zzz’s
Barkley napping


Decided to name the new foster Barkley. I suppose it was inspired a little bit by the ST:TNG character, but it seems to fit him nicely. He’s seems to be settling into the house nicely.
I can tell now that Barkley’s a very high energy dog and one who likes to run around. Yesterday he got a bath and we discovered that the staples from his neutering operation were still in. Didn’t realize he had just been neutered. This means no trips to the dog park and trying to keep him from being too wild at least until next week when his staples are supposed to come out. At least he smells better now.
The patch on his forehead seems to be healing up nicely and I see a few hairs trying to grow back. I suspect most of it will remain a large bald patch though.
Still trying to get some decent pictures of him.