CREATESouth 2012

Deciding to go to this year’s CREATESouth was a bit of a last minute decision. Seemed like everything was going on this weekend. CREATESouth, Cupcake Camp Summerville, Pet Fest, LUG meeting (which ended up getting moved).

CREATESouth 2012 was smaller than previous ones I’ve been to, but I think this year was better, with presentations that were more interesting. Keynotes by Philippa Ballantine and Heather Solos were both very good.

Lunch was once again delicious BBQ provided by Andre Pope and Proud Purveyors of Pork.

BBQ lunch

There were a lot of sessions that I would have liked to see. I ended up going to the DIY Metallurgy/Metal Casting, Budget Barista and BBQ sessions. I found all of the sessions interesting and inspiring.

The DIY Metallurgy/Metal Casting session was perhaps the coolest one with a hands on part where we actually got to do some sand casting. Packed sand to make molds, and poured the metal to make these little CREATESouth logos. I think I may have found a new hobby.

Metal casting at CREATESouth

Budget Barista was a good session looking at some of the variables that go into making a good cup of coffee. Did you know a hot air popcorn popper can be used to roast coffee beans? I’m not a huge coffee drinker, but have been known to consume a cup now and then. After seeing the Aeropress in action at the session, I think it’s my new want item.

Aeropress in action

The Art and Science of BBQ ended up being an outdoor session with Andre Pope talking about how to do BBQ and showing his BBQ rig. I learned that you don’t need a big huge smoker setup to do BBQ and that it’s easier than it looks. You can make BBQ in a slow cooker, which I’ve done before but never really considered it real BBQ. Now that I know better, I’m inspired to do more BBQ.

Art and science of BBQ

Had a really good time at CREATESouth this year, and I’m really glad I decided to go. Got inspired to do new things, at least two of which I’ll probably do. The metal casting sounds like it will be really cool to take up as a hobby, but it’s probably not something I should get into right now.

Check out my photos from the day over on Flickr.

CREATESouth 2011

Had a good time at today’s CREATESouth. Got to meet up with friends, eat some tasty BBQ and sit in on some good sessions.

Attendance seemed to be pretty good this year with a lot of new faces.

Lunch by Andre Pope and Proud Purveyors of Pork was excellent as usual. I even managed to win some of their sauces and rub. Looking forward to trying it out on the two Boston butts in my freezer.

Serving up some BBQ

First session of the afternoon was the Photography Hacks session by Kreg Steppe. He went over a few simple little hacks and gadgets that could be done pretty easily and inexpensively. The coffee filter gray card for setting the white balance was pretty nifty.

Next session was one on building mobile apps. Didn’t go into too much depth, but introduced a few interesting looking tools and suggestions. A good session for whetting the appetite.

The last session I went to was Homebrew 101. Although I doubt I’ll ever get into brewing my own beer (just not that heavy a beer drinker) it was interesting to see everything that goes into the process.

There was one more session and then the after party, but it was time for me to leave so I could get back to the dogs. A great day and I got to learn something at each session I went to.

CREATESouth is looking for new volunteers to help with organizing next year’s event. If you’re interested, sign up! It’s a great event to be involved in.

Objective: Get my copy of Home-Ec 101 autographed by the author.

Status: Completed

CREATESouth fun

Had a great time at CREATESouth today. There were some excellent keynote talks given by Tiffany Trent on creativity and writing, and Tee Morris on the “social” in social media.

The keynotes were followed by a delicious BBQ lunch prepared by Andre Pope

Following lunch were the breakout sessions, organised into 4 different tracks: Community, Writing, Media and Art. I started off with the Writing track and Marsha Guerard’s talk on editing, which I quite enjoyed.

Then popped over to the Community track to catch Chuck‘s talk about organizing groups using and Jared‘s meme talk.

Caught part of Kreg Steppe’s presentation on digital photography where he talked about what’s ok and not ok to photograph, and Creative Commons licensing. A very informative session. Wish I had made it in earlier to catch the first part of his talk.

The final session of the day was the discussion panel in the Community track about geographic communities. There was a pretty good discussion about how the media was starting to use Twitter and some of the benefits and challenges in getting meetups going so that people participating in social media can get together and meet in person.

Community track discussion panel

Overall I had a great time at CREATESouth, meeting and putting faces/voices to more people, and came back a little more refreshed and energized than when I went.

The rest of my CREATESouth photos can be found in my photo gallery and on Picasaweb.

CREATESouth checklist

  • Freshly charged battery for camera – check
  • Freshly charged spare battery – check
  • Lowcountry bloggers shirt – check
  • 5:30AM alarm – check
  • Map to Ian’s – check

Think I’m all set.