Spring Flinging with the Labs

Yesterday turned out to be a great day for CSCLRC’s Spring Fling match. Not too hot, nice breeze to keep most of the bugs away and plenty of dogs.

The event was open to all dogs, not just labs, so we had a few show up, like this Portuguese water dog (one of two)

a few Great Danes

and even a pair of Staffies

There was even an Australian Shepherd and a Saluki out to join in the fun.

Naturally there were Labs, and where there are Labs, there are Lab puppies!

The biggest part of the match was conformation, but since it was a B match, it’s less about showing off the best dog and more about getting dogs used to the ring and having fun.

Actually, it’s all about having fun, so there was also a costume contest to wrap things up (along with other fun events like fastest biscuit eating, dress up and ball and spoon races)

Weekend happenings

Lots of stuff going on this weekend to keep me and the dogs busy.

Most of Saturday will be taken up with CSCLRC‘s Spring Fling Match out on Wadmalaw Island. Should be a fun time with lots of dogs to play with. Following that is the club’s board meeting and planning for the next event. It’s going to be a long but fun day I think.

Sunday is the next blogger gathering over at Ten-Seventeen out in West Ashley in the Quadrangle shopping center (next door to the Piggly Wiggly over by Citadel Mall). They make a great goulash there. Looking forward to seeing fellow bloggers again. Should be a good time.

Then there’s the ever present talk I have to finish up for the SIIM 2007 annual meeting and the accompanying paper that needs to be submitted to JDI. There’s not too much left to do for the talk so I should be able to wrap that up well before the meeting. Don’t want to be one of those people that are finishing up their talk in the speaker ready-room just before they give their presentation.

Dog show weekend

Spent a good chunk of the weekend at the CSCLRC‘s Supported Entry dog show, which was held in conjunction with the Charleston Kennel Club‘s annual show.

Lab specialty show ring and tent

Saw lots of good looking labs parading through the ring for all the different classes

There were lots of really neat things being raffled away by the club

Raffle items

and some really good BBQ for lunch on Saturday from what I heard (I had to leave early so I missed the food, darn it)

Working on the pulled pork BBQ

It was another good weekend and we had a great time up there hanging out and watching the dogs.

CSCLRC Lab Fun Day

Next weekend, Saturday Nov 4 the CSCLRC is hosting their second annual Lab Fun Day. It’s being held at the James Island County Park in the dog park area, so even if you don’t have a lab you can come. It should be a fun day of retrieving demonstrations, fun and games. Come out with your dog(s) and play!
Lab Fun Day

Fun at the Labrador Fun Day

At the Lab Fun DayWe were out at the Labrador Fun Day hosted by the Coastal South Carolina Lab Retriever Club yesterday. Great day to be out at the park, and they had a lot of fun things for dogs and people going on. There were lab races, biscuit eating contests, costume contests, lab kissing and tail wagging contests going on, and retriever demonstrations both on land and in the water. Nala got 2nd place in the costume contest and race! Definitely a fun time, and we got to meet a lot of other lab owners and their dogs. When it came to the water retrieving, she went for the duck like a champ. Not the most elegant retrieve, and she ended up splashing the duck further away before she managed to nab it though, but she really went for it. Maybe we’ll have to get one of those floating duck decoys. We’d have to attach it to a long string though, just in case she decides to go swim after something else.