The dogs like to get cozy

Nala and Simba both have their own crates in the bedroom that they sleep in. Now that they’re older, I can leave the doors open and let them sleep where they want. Nala usually walks into her crate for the night while Simba usually flops down on the floor somewhere.

The last couple of nights though, they’ve been sharing the same crate at night. Simba just walks in there, curls up in the back and uses Nala for a pillow. She doesn’t seem to mind the company and hasn’t kicked him out yet or anything. It’s kind of cute to see them both in there.

The Dog Food Project

Came across The Dog Food Project via a comment left on a past entry where I was talking about the food issues I was having with Nala a while back.
After going through a bunch of pages, I’m impressed with the quality of information on the site. With all the dog food recalls in the news lately, there are a lot of people struggling with what to feed their dogs, lots of rabid BARF/RAW advocates pushing raw feeding as the only real food choice and generally a lot of confusion.
There are several pages that talk about and define the various ingredients you’ll find listed in dog foods, what ingredients to look for and what to avoid and common dog food misconceptions.
There’s a lot of good information on the site, without pushing any particular feeding method. It should be a good read for any pet owners out there who want to know what they’re feeding their pets.
The Dog Food Project