Dragoncon 2010

It’s on for Dragoncon 2010! Hotel reservation made (according to Rick anyway) and pass purchased. Looking forward to my second one. Should be a fun time!

Dragon*Con photos

Some of the photos I took at DragonCon.

Spartans from 300. These guys were pretty buff.

Dragoncon attendees dressed up as Spartan warriors from the movie 300

A group of bounty hunters posing for photos

Star Wars bounty hunters posing for group photos at Dragoncon

Phil Plait (BadAstronomy) in one of the Science track sessions

Phil Plait (Bad Astronomer) speaking at a panel at Dragoncon

Lou Ferrigno riding in the DragonCon parade

Lou Ferrigno riding sitting on a car in the Dragoncon parade

BSG Colonials

A group of Battlestar Galactica (reboot) colonial warriors marching in the Dragoncon parade


Ghostbusters in the Dragoncon parade

The Babylon 5 panels and Q&A sessions had me squeeing like a little girl.

Babylon 5 panel speakers at Dragoncon

Dragon*Con: Way more fun than should be allowed

For the longest time, cons were those places where the weirdo hard-core geeks that dressed up gathered. Not the kind of thing I ever imagined myself wanting to go. Anybody who took their favourite show/character that seriously was just too bizarre to my brain.

DragonCon is really something that needs to be experienced. It’s just too hard to describe, and any telling of the things that go on at DragonCon make it sound like it’s just a collection of weirdos, freaks and geeks.

I went, and I saw. At the first panel I went to (Babylon 5), I squeed like a little girl. And then I got to meet and talk to Bruce Boxleitner, and I squeed some more. I saw celebrities like Lou Ferrigno, Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict, most of the Stargate: Atlantis cast, and many more. More squee’ing when I got Tracy Scoggin‘s autograph and photo taken with her (also a self admitted sci-fi geek). Photo with Felicia Day (OMGSQUEEE!!).

Yes, I became a total fan boy and one of them. Admittedly, I didn’t really have that far to go.

There were lots of people dressed up in costumes and many that weren’t. There were costumes from just about every genre, show and character you could think of. When my friends and I thought about a show or character that would be cool to see or dress up as, sooner or later we’d end up seeing someone else dressed as it.

But that’s not all there is to Dragon*Con. There were the fan tracks that covered everything from your favourite sci-fi/fantasy, literature, arts, costuming to podcasting, science and space. Writers workshops, art shows, costume contests and of course the celebrity panels. There are way way way more things going on than you could ever possibly see at once.

Don’t just take my word for it though. You should think about going to see it for yourself next year.

Pictures soon. Have close to 600 that I need to go through and weed out.


Yes, I’ll be going to my very first con next weekend.

Going to be meeting up with a couple of friends from back home so it should be a fun time.
