A midweek vacation

A view of the ocean from the Holiday Inn on Folly Beach.

Tuesday a collective sigh of relief was heard all over campus as the first year med students finished their final exam for the summer Gross Anatomy class. The next sound heard was the screeching of tires as they all took off for the beach.

Tuesday night one of my wife’s friends was flying in from Albany, so we picked him up and headed off to spend a couple of nights at Folly Beach. Wednesday was spent doing nothing but loafing around on the beach, soaking up the sun and warmth, and playing in the water. It was an exhausting day. Oh the life. I could definitely get used to it.

Then today for her, it was off to the mall to shop. Sadly for me, it was off to work.

Then tomorrow we’ve got more friends and family coming in for the White Coat Ceremony, where MD wannabes get inducted into their class.

I think I need a vacation.