Hannah’s first dog park visit

The dog park is usually pretty wet and mucky after it rains, but I thought I’d take the dogs out there anyway. Since it’s all fenced in, it’s a perfect spot to see how Hannah behaves off-leash.
As expected, Hannah is quite the ball fiend and will happily chase after the ball until she wears herself out. Sometimes she even brings it back too!
Hannah retrieving
The hard part was trying to keep her from using the mud puddles for cooling off. Not entirely successful, but with labs you can never keep them out of the water.
Looking to cool off
Overall, Hannah was very well behaved and was even pretty decent at coming when I called her.
Now all the dogs are nice and tired and snoozing very peacefully.

More Hannah

Now that Hannah’s starting to settle in a little more, I’m beginning to see some more of her personality come out.
She’s a really sweet girl, loves to be around her people, eats like there’s no tomorrow and totally food motivated. Training her has been pretty easy so far. She’s got a lot of energy, gets really excited (especially if there’s food involved) and seems like she’d get along pretty well with other dogs. I’ll have to give her a try at the dog park soon to check that out.
She walks pretty well on leash, but will definitely take off if she sees something interesting. She’s the kind of dog that needs a structured and disciplined (ordered) house to live in. If you let her have her way, she’ll take it and more. All she needs is consistency, a nice long walk by your side, a comfy spot to lay at your feet and she’ll be your best friend.
Hannah in your face
I'm so cool
I think she’s still got a little more time to spend with me before she’s ready to go to a permanent home, but in the meantime I’m working hard to get her ship-shape and fattened up so that she’ll be a very well-behaved dog where ever she ends up going.
Anybody out there have room in their life for this sweetie?

Hannah Banana

Hannah has a few issues that need to be worked on (including some house training), but so far she’s turning out to be a pretty nice dog and starting to settle in. I think Simba would still rather not have her around, but he’ll have to learn to get used to another dog besides Nala.

Hannah Banana

Hannah and the bone

First Foster!

Picked up my first foster dog yesterday from Wild Heir Lab Resue. Her name is Hannah, a yellow lab with a very happy personality. A little timid about some things, but a very nice and sweet dog. Needs some training and a little fattening up, but I think she’ll make someone a good pet.
Started working with her on getting her to recognize her name and respond to it. The initial training is reminding me of how much patience I need for dog training. Two years of reasonably well behaved Nala and Simba have spoiled me I think. Fortunately she’s a lab and very food motivated so training should be pretty easy.
I don’t think Simba’s entirely happy with this new interloper, but I think he’ll get used to her in a few days.