Vacation blogging to come

The past week was a pretty great vacation, starting with a cruise on Royal Caribbean, a quick visit to Kennedy Space Center (yay annual pass) and finishing with touristy things in the historic part of St. Augustine.

There are a few hundred photos to go through and several cruise and vacation related blog posts tumbling through my head. Lots of stuff to do over the next few days as I get used to non-cruise life again (can’t seem to find that buffet anywhere, and Ronald has stopped bringing us bread!).

Stay tuned for photos and blogs.

Saturn V Immensity

I’ve mentioned it before. The Saturn V is a big big rocket. Until you see it in person though, it’s really hard to imagine just how big it is. Then, when you do see it, your mind is boggled that they actually worked and sent people into Earth/lunar orbit and to land on the moon.
Eleven times.

And then you wonder why we haven’t kept doing it.