Back to MovableType?

MovableType 5.2 is almost out. From what I’ve seen on the MT and ProNet mailing lists, 5.2 is a pretty good release.

A while ago I moved the blog over to the OpenMelody, the OS fork of MT 4. With activity on the OpenMelody project slowing down and seemingly heading into dormancy, I’ve been giving some thought to moving back to MT. It will take some planning, but I think there shouldn’t be too many problems, except maybe for the archives. For some reason the archives always break.

Fresh start with OpenMelody

Looks like things are running pretty well on OpenMelody so far. Left behind all the plugins, so everything is plain vanilla Melody. I might bring a few things back, but I’m kind of liking this clean uncluttered DePo theme.

Still not sure what the deal was with the error I was having with the dynamic archives. It still happens seemingly randomly as I’m clicking on things in the back end and publishing stuff. Might have to resort to posting a question somewhere.

In a couple of weeks, this blog will be heading into its 9th year. 9! 8 years and 2385 entries here! Just doesn’t seem like it’s been that long. Time flies.

Blogging has slowed down a little because of time constraints and partly from not having a clear notion of what I want to put here. There are always lots of things tumbling around in my head that could probably go here. They usually never get well formed enough to be turned into anything coherent enough for a blog post though.

Guess I’ll just continue the rambling for another year.

Archive breakage

Trying to track down the source of this error which is breaking my dynamically published archives

Fatal error: Smarty error: [in evaluated template line 11]: syntax error: unrecognized tag 'mtpluginstaticwebpath' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 580) in /*/*/cgi-bin/melody/php/extlib/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php on line 1095

Update: Decided to switch to static archives. Takes more space (+33MB), but probably simpler that way.

Running on Melody now

Got the blog up and running on OpenMelody, but the archives are broken.
