Orlando photos

We had a good time on the trip. Went to Seaworld where we got to pet penguins and dolphins and feed stingrays. Rode on Kraken, one really kick ass rollercoaster and got soaked on Journey To Atlantis.

The next day we drove out to Kennedy Space Center and explored around there most of the day. Very cool place. I particularly enjoyed the Apollo/Saturn V center. It’s hard to imagine just how large the Saturn V really is until you see it up close.

Our last full day we spent the evening at Downtown Disney and saw Cirque du Soleil’s La Nouba. I love Cirque du Soleil. They’re so much fun to watch. And like many shows, it’s even better to see in live. Definitely worth going to if you have a chance.

Off to Orlando

Headed off to Orlando tomorrow for a little mini-vacation. We’re going to drive down there, so it should be an interesting road trip. We’re going to hit SeaWorld, Kennedy Space Center, Cirque du Soleil Nouba, and hang out at and Universal Studios Orlando.

Should be fun.

While I’m gone, I probably won’t be blogging, and I’ll be turning commenting off. Since upgrading to 3.0D, spam’s been a bit of a problem lately without MTBlacklist to filter things out. So rather than come back and have to delete several hundred spam comments, I’m just going to turn it off. I’ll turn it back on when I come back.