Today’s third SuperHappyDevHouse Charleston took place at BoomTown.

Boom Town cornhole board

BoomTown has a nice expansive space and even a few games to play with. There were around 10-12 people that came to play and code.

While others were working on various programming related things, I spent my time studying for my Drug Delivery final coming up on Thursday.

It was a good time hanging out with everybody today.


Today’s SHDH Charleston gathering was another good gathering of the dev geeks with around 17 people or so showing up.

The afternoon was filled with active discussion and collaboration over different projects, talking over ideas and concepts. There was talk about recommendation systems, streaming video to Android devices, POSSCON and other conferences and other miscellaneous topics.

I spent most of my time working on some utilities to help me massage and manage some of the mesh data generated by MCNP until the battery in my laptop died. Spent the rest of the afternoon just hanging out, reading more about Gnuplot and chatting with the others.

Had a good time at the second SHDH. Looking forward to the next one.

SuperHappyDevHouse Charleston

The inaugural SuperHappyDevHouse Charleston meeting went on today with about 15 or so people working on various things. I’m not really much of a programmer, so I mostly went to hang out and see what other people were doing. I also used it as an opportunity to finally get my Galileoscope assembled.