Yaesu VX-8DR X-ray Take 2

Radiographs of my VX-8DR that show the innards a little better. 81 kV, 5 mAs, small focal spot.

The battery (which is actually two batteries)

Yaesu VX-8DR battery

The radio itself

The antenna. If you look closely, you can see some internal structure now, compared to the fluoro image from earlier.

Yaesu VX-8DR X-ray

Put my VX-8DR under a fluoro unit I was testing today. Fluoro generally doesn’t provide the greatest resolution images, but enough to see what the innards of my radio are like. Will get a regular radiograph later.

Fluoroscopy image of a Yaesu VX-8DR

This is the antenna. Not a whole lot going on aside from a lot of metal.

Yaesu VX-8DR antenna