Bai 2012, Hai 2013

And so goes another year. And here comes another “year in review” post.

This past one was pretty busy as far as work goes, with at close to 130 x-ray machines and workstations units that I have to lay my hands on for annual testing. This is probably twice the number that there were when I first started.

Diabetes management has gone pretty well in 2012, with HbA1C staying steady at 5.6%. Trying to stick to a mostly low-carb diet, which I think is helping, although I do occasionally fall off the wagon. Weight has been pretty stable at around 77kg (170lb).

My running fell off quite a bit once the summer heat hit. Then there was much busy-ness and I got lazy about getting up for early morning runs once the weather cooled down again. It’s something I need to get back to again. I’ve been missing it lately.

On the school front, there wasn’t a whole lot of progress in 2012. Going to have to change that for the coming year because I really need to get this over and done with.

2012 was a year for taking up new hobbies for me it seems, with amateur radio and electronics becoming the latest time sinks. I’ve been enjoying learning new things and putting into practice all the electronics that I learned so many years ago. Lots of new gadgets to play with, and there was also much fun had disassembling and dissecting various dead electronic things.

There’s this new and awesome girl that I met in 2012 who’s making life pretty fun and fantastic these days. 2013 together looks like it’s going to be a whole lot of fun.

There’s a lot to look forward to in 2013. Work will stay busy, and I don’t see it getting any less busy anytime soon. Soon I’ll have the ham shack up and running. There will be radios all over the place once that happens plus a beacon or two.

2013 should be a pretty good year.

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