
One of the things I like about being a CSA (community supported agriculture) member (with Ambrose Farm) is that it makes me try veggies that I’d otherwise pass over at the grocery store. It’s in the bag, and unless there’s something to swap it with, I have to figure out how to use it.

This week, it’s the rutabaga. In the grocery store, they’re large purplish-white things covered in wax that I’ve never been all that interested in trying. They were in this week’s CSA share though, so I looked up some recipes. Lots of them were for mashed or roasted rutabagas. Seems they can be treated a lot like potatoes.

Roasting root veggies is usually a safe way to try things out, so I diced up two of the larger ones I got, tossed in olive oil, sprinkled some salt over them and threw them in the oven.

Roasted rutabagasAfter about 30 minutes, they came out looking golden brown-ish and tasting pretty decent. The flavour is mildly turnip-y and the texture is kind of potato-y. Good enough to eat a bowl of straight up. I’ll serve these with some sautee’d swiss chard that also came in the CSA today.

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