Work table storage

The indoor workbench (work table really) was in need of some vertical storage.  The table was starting to get cluttered with projects and parts and not many places to put them.  I also thought it would be nice to have some of the things I was always going into the closet for within easy reach.

Inside work table
Inside work table

I considered adding some shelves like I did for the closet but with the table being so deep (3′), I thought that would make reaching the shelves awkward.  Connie suggested getting some cheap bookshelves to make a hutch type thing.  Seemed like a pretty good idea (she often has good ideas like this), so I ended up buying some cheap inexpensive shelving units from Walmart: a 3-level cube shelf, and a three-shelf half-height book case.


Used some scraps of 1/4″ plywood as a back for the cube shelf (it only came with one cardboard square).  Secured the shelves to the table using screws that I put in from underneath.

Shelves attached to the table
Shelves attached to the table

Now I’ve got most of the things I reach for most within easy reach, and a little more space freed up in the closet.

Shelves loaded up
Shelves loaded up

Not quite sure what I’m going to do with the scanner yet.  I’ve got it sitting on the top of the shelves now.  It’s not something I use too frequently, so maybe I’ll just bring it down and plug it in as I need it.

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