Doggy birthday parties

Wow, a brown out just as I was starting to write this entry. Thank goodness for the UPS.
Anyway, as I was about to write…
Yesterday we were at a birthday party for Seasmoke. A ‘Bark’ mitzvah as it were because Seasmoke turned 13 yesterday. 13 is very old for a dog like Seasmoke (she’s a black Lab), and such occasions are definitely worth celebrating.
Dogs were packed up for the trip out to Seasmoke’s place. Nala always likes going out for car rides. No doggles this time because the car’s going to fast.
Looking out the window
When we arrived, all the dogs were eager to meet each other. There were almost more dogs than there were people. It was for a dog’s birthday party after all.
Enthusiastic greetings

There were plenty of pools for the dogs to cool off in if they wanted. Here’s Bailey showing off the pools.
Showing off one of the pools
Bailey going for a dunk
Naturally Simba just had to join in the pool action. Just can’t keep that dog out of the water.
Simba dives in
Seasmoke was more than happy to sit back and watch all the other dogs romp around and play. I imagine Seasmoke’s words to the other dogs went something along the lines of “When 13 you become, look as good you will not”.
Seasmoke, the guest of honour
After all the people were finished eating, Seasmoke got to check out her presents. She got lots of cool toys and things to snack on.
Seasmoke checking out her presents
Seasmoke and some of her presents
Oh yeah, the people had a pretty good time too.
The people socialize
Hanging out on the porch

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One Reply to “Doggy birthday parties”

  1. I’m so happy. I’m not insane for having a kitten birthday party.

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